Stefan Habel

Visual Effects Software Developer
Photo from Flickr: Canary Wharf Sunset

Filmgeschichte Wiki

Wiki for film history class at Filmakademie

Last updated: 30 December 2021

2006 – 2008

The film history wiki contains a collection of notes made by students of film history class at Filmakademie on important films in film history. The class was given by living film history encyclopedia Fred van der Kooij.

The wiki was created by Wolfram Kampffmeyer in 2006 and revived and maintained by myself for the classes of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. (via
100 Classics of Film History -- a list at Letterboxd
Film History Class @ Filmakademie BW, WS 2007/2008 -- a list at Letterboxd
Film History Class @ Filmakademie BW, SS 2008 -- a list at Letterboxd
Film History Class @ Filmakademie BW, WS 2006/2007 -- a list at Letterboxd
Film History Class @ Filmakademie BW, SS 2007 -- a list at Letterboxd
Screenshot of the film history wiki home page Screenshot of the Wiki overview for film history class 2007/2008