Stefan Habel

Visual Effects Software Developer
Photo from Flickr: Wasserschloss at Holländischbrookfleet in Hamburg's Warehouse District (Speicherstadt) at Dusk

Color Flow (2008)

VFX short film -- Trailer for the 2008 Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS)

Last updated: 29 December 2021

Directed by Sascha Geddert, Sebastian Nozon, Roland Petrizza

My role: Scripting
Software used: Python, VirtualDub

I wrote a Python script that parsed image sequence directories and created a .jobs file for batch processing with VirtualDub to create AVI files from those image sequences.
Being an Apple aficionado, I named the .jobs file steve, of course.

ITFS 2008 took place May 1-6 in Stuttgart, Germany.
Still from Color Flow (1/2)
Still from Color Flow (2/2)
Screenshot of in IDLE
Screenshot of VirtualDub's Job Control